Friday, April 9, 2010

Cast Your Mind Away

I've had the absolute worst week on the job. The server got corrupted, and I lost three weeks of work. I was left with a tiny movie (and a baffled IT department), and asked to replicate everything I'd done previously. Oh. No.

So over lunch yesterday, I spent some time looking through old holiday snaps on my hard drive, remembering gorgeous places I've been, where a digital camera was the only technology I had with me.



The Grand Canyon:

These photos make me feel lucky that I've been to so many beautiful places.
Here in London, it's going to be a warm weekend where I have a birthday party, some bike riding, and some crafting to look forward to.

The word 'Friday' never sounded better!

1 comment:

  1. oh! that is terrible but, it sounds like you are doing a good job trying to put it behind you
    and wow you have been to some amazing places. enjoy the weekend
