Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quilty As Charged

I finally made it to the Quilt Show at the V&A! It was spectacular, perhaps one of the best exhibitions I've ever seen. If I didn't live here, I would want to fly here just to see it.

It was just so classic, with all British quilts from the 1700 until now. What I loved most is that there were so many quilts depicting scenery, everything from corronations, to Bible stories, to images from playing cards, to children's book illustrations. The piecework was impecable, and the stories behind them were fascinating. And not since the stitching show, had I seen the English ladies out in such force!

Of course, I couldn't take any photos of the exhibit, but since it was sponsored by Liberty (ah, Liberty), I thought you might enjoy seeing their recent (naughty) shop windows, decorated to celebrate quilts as well. You can also see me in the photos.

I've resisted buying the special fabrics commissioned for the show, though I still might cave. They're not as nice quality as regular Liberty fabric, though I love the idea that everyone has bought these quilt packs, and are making matching quilts all over the country (or world)! Though I did pick up some Liberty fabrics from a shop near the museum that Elizabeth told me about. They sell everything there, and at a severe discount. Score!

Overall, it was just the inspiration I needed to think about making my first quilt. Now, to begin!

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