Wednesday, October 6, 2010

For Dorothy Klein, at 99.

My grandmother is turning 99 years old on Sunday. 99! I almost like the sound of it better than 100. So for her birthday, I knitted her a sweater. It's in the mail now (Heather, don't tell!). I really hope it fits.


It's a Sketchbook Cardigan (ravelry link here), from a free pattern here. I made the sweater out of Rowan's Felted Tweed, changing the button bands to moss stitch, and making the sleeves longer than three quarter length.

I always associate my grandmother with this color. Growing up, she had a 1950s kitchen (almost exactly like the one I have now) in this blue color. I used to buy her kitchen towels and make her hot plates and pot holders to match.

It really boggles my mind that she's 99. It's like living my life over, from birth until now, almost twice more! She's seen the birth of the car, 2 World Wars, the birth and death of her son, the dawn of the computer age, and so much more! (I enjoyed buying a birthday card for age 9, and adding another).

Through it all, she's loved a good game of Solitaire, and a nice three course meal. She's still as strong in mind and body, as ever. Here's to celebrating the close of her 99th year, and the start of triple digits! We should all be so lucky.

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