Saturday, October 23, 2010

What To Be for Halloween

What are you doing this weekend, friends? Mr. Jones and I are working on our Halloween costumes, for sure. As I mentioned, I'm not feeling too motivated this year. But after looking at some photos around the internet, I'm starting to get more into into it. Unfortunately, I have no credits/links to these images. It was just a "pulled them onto my desktop" sort of thing. You know how it goes.

Is this last one even real? If I can do as well as these, I'll be showing off my efforts right here. Links to my previous costumes are here and here. Have a great weekend!


  1. The homemade Power Puff Girls should be on here somewhere! Those were such good ones...

  2. I can't stop laughing at that picture of the little girl! I just want to squeeze her! :) I'm going as Kelly Kapowski (sp?) from Saved By The Bell!

  3. adorable outfits!!

    Ps. Come on over and enter to win a Custom Hand Knit Scarf (knit by yours truly):
