Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Victoria Part 4: Parliament, Royal B.C. Museum, and The Beach

On our last day in Victoria, we went to the Royal B.C. Museum. Our friends had told us it was one part natural history, one part social history, and it was all truly delightful. There were large-scale dioramas of native animals, sailing ships, and a main street, with a movie theater, train station, and hotel! We all enjoyed it. It was truly an all-ages experience.

Before we went into the museum, we put down a blanket and had snacks and played "sticky ball" (what else do you call that game where the ball sticks to velcro paddles?) outside the museum, in front of the B.C. House of Parliament.

Power Nap, with Daddy (outfits coordinating with buildings, optional):

Our last afternoon was spent back at Gyro Park, but this time not so much on the playground as on the beach! Both girls loved making sandcastles and Lulu liked to get her legs buried in the sand.

Victoria, B.C. was the perfect vacation for us! On the day we left, we got up early and played outside, and once we got off the ferry, both girls slept for over 3 of the 4 hours we drove home. Perfecto! I keep trying to make a printed book of our vacation, as the ones I've done in the past have been so cherished. Those books take so much time, though! Hopefully I can get it done. We did so many things on this trip I don't want them to forget, and they're definitely more into reading books, than blogs :). 

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