Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Lulu is 2

Lucille Jones turned 2 this past Saturday. She wore a sparkly dress, played with all her friends at an indoor park, and was proud to say, "Me! Me!" anytime the word "birthday" was mentioned.

It's been such a fun year with this little one, as she is the most fun loving toddler I know. Her hugs are big, her kisses are long, and her laughs are hard. There's nothing she likes more than to be held upside down and tickled. She's stubborn and feisty, sweet and shy, too. She loves her parents and her teachers. She loves real babies more than any toy she owns. She's no longer a baby herself, but in so many ways, she'll always be our baby.

Happy Birthday, Lulu! We can't wait to hear all things you're going to tell us, this coming year.

P.S. Lulu at birth, in the hospital, and at her first birthday party.

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