Thursday, March 30, 2017

Penny is 5

Penny Jones is five years old! She's a girl now. I can feel it. She talks a lot of sense, she knows a lot of things, and she's still the sweetest person I have ever known. I really have never seen anything like it. In all her days, she has not had one tantrum. She loves her family and her friends so fiercely, and when she does them wrong she's quick to apologize. She praises people, she listens intently, she thinks of ways to make people feel good, she's sentimental and optimistic. Her birthday party is on Saturday, but on her actual birthday day, she wanted to skip preschool and go Roller Skating with her friends. She had a really great time.


Clara brought her a balloon. When we returned our skates, the woman at the rental counter sang "Happy Birthday" to Penny, complete with sign language. There is so much magic at Oaks Park Roller Rink. It lives in a time where I want to reside, forever, and where I want to raise my kids. At the end of the song, Estella explained to the woman that this was her friend Penny, and that she was 5, and that finally they were the same age again. I almost started bawling.

P.S. I made Penny's dress. The pattern is Geranium Dress by MadebyRae. The fabric is from Black and White by Melody Miller for Cotton + Steel.

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