Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yolk Dress, Miniaturized

I know that, despite having a craft room of my own, there's been a distinct lack of craft postings of late. That's not for lack of trying. I made a dress recently. It was Vogue 8468 and it was terrible. The fit was bad, the fabric was wrong for the dress, and the style was really unflattering.

I made a resolution a while back to make muslins of homemade clothes, but I was so excited by the pattern, and I loved the fabric so much that I went right in there, simply because I wanted the dress. It could have been another epic waste of time/money, until I decided to repurpose. Enter another yolk dress pattern, for a smaller person:

I cut the front from my own dress, and the back from the rest of the fabric I had left over. I love how it came out. It's the dress I wanted, which I'm sure will be much more flattering on its recipient.

I had these sweet buttons in my collection, from that job I did a while back. I matched the stripes on the front, but connected them in a different way on the back.

And yet again I find myself promising to do practice runs in muslin, come the next garment. There is a list of next garments, and lots of work to be done.


  1. So cute! I love yokes in dresses.

    I hate taking the time to do muslins. I'm so impulsive and eager I have to dive in immediately to a projects and as deeply as possible!

  2. I made this dress last year. The fabric is very important.
    At first I wasn't sure if I liked the fit either. It's not necessarily the most flattering but I wore it the other day and really liked it on. I used a Liberty of London on top and a drapey linen on bottom. You may like it a bit shortened and slimmed down in the waist. The little one is sweet
