Friday, June 3, 2011

My Craft Room

The little 2 bedroom house we rent here in Portland was built in the 1950s. It has lots of amazing 50s features, and I love them. My heart, however, has always belonged to the 70s. So when Mr. Jones let me have the extra room as my craft room, I knew I could display all of my favorite 1970s items. I thought I might show you my craft room, as I know that someday we'll move again, and it will be nice to remember it. It houses so many of my favorite things, and has helped me create even more of them.

My sewing table (under my sewing machine cover) sits on an antique desk we bought here in Portland for $25. In the drawers are all my sewing accessories and tools, and is within reach of all my craft books.

Some of my books have been with me for years, crossing the ocean with me in shipments when I've moved from New York to London, or London to Portland. They're mostly from the 1970s with some newer titles, too.

My smocking pleater and yarn swift, on top of the bookshelf.

Further down, a Merry Mushroom canister (I collect this mushroom stuff) with my little girl tape measure, a squirrel I can't seem to get rid of, and a TV with dog portraits in it that always makes me smile. There's also my yarn ball winder, and my collection of vintage steel knitting needles (most of them bought in a huge lot, at the Goodwill, for $10) in a glass vase.

Against one wall is a small sofa-bed, and next to it is my yarn stash in a basket, my scrap fabric stash in a vintage suitcase, a roll of muslin and sew-able tracing paper, and of course Mr. Furly!

Mr. Jones bought me this dressform off Craig's List for my birthday last year. I love working with it. To the right is a closet where I hang my clothes, and keep fabric folded on shelves.

Another of my favorite recent finds is this circus trash basket, bought in Portland's Selwood neighborhood for $6 (I still haven't removed the price tag!). I think it's so sweet.

This is Pin Cushion Dog, given to me by a coworker named Dan Nord, on my very first job out of college, at Nickelodeon. He's still holding up (the pin cushion I mean, I have no idea where Dan is). He sits in front of my 70s radio, where I play KMHD to my heart's content.

I could go on and on, my friends. Sitting in my craft room is like sitting in a toy box, each tool exciting and special. I love it there. It's made the Portland rain tolerable, and home time divine. Now, if I could just keep it this clean more often!


  1. I'm in love, swoon! I adore the 1970s. And I had no idea there was such a thing as a smocking pleater? I need one!

  2. Waw! What a great space! And I am absolute in love with the vintage suitcase.

  3. Thank you! That was fun. I just love to see crft rooms.
