Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bleeding Heart Sandwich Cookies

I didn't make candy for Valentine's Day. It was too much pressure, and I didn't feel like eating candy this week. The idea of making a selection box of a variety of candies is a dream of mine, so rest assured it's not off my 'to do' list.

Instead, I made these bleeding heart sandwich cookies. I used my all time favorite recipe for spice cut-outs, cutting holes in half the hearts using a tobasco cap. Once cool, I warmed up some good strawberry jam, spread it on the cookies without the holes, and sandwiched both sides together (a la my linzer biscuits). I also made some non-sandwich cutouts, and bagged them up for people I knew would not find the box of cookies, at work. I was told they were my best cookies to date, so there you go.

I think what makes this recipe so fool proof is the molasses, which makes the dough so easy to roll out. Maybe the equivalent for vanilla or chocolate cookies might be  light corn syrup? Any thoughts (or recipes)? Some experimentation might be in order.

1 comment:

  1. The cookies look great but the plate is what caught my attention - so pretty!
