Monday, September 29, 2014

Lulu at 9 months

Lucille Jones turned 9 months old! She's still the happiest baby, ever. She's now 18.4 pounds, and average in height and head size. She's been trying lots of different foods this month. None seem to stay in her mouth, but sampling counts, right?

We enjoyed an extended summer here in Portland, with weather in the 90s throughout the month of September. Lulu has loved eating and crawling outside. She's so busy, putting everything in her mouth, always climbing up your legs to try to be picked up, and giggling constantly.

Lulu started daycare with Penny this month. She's definitely one of the most active babies in her room. They already see how different she is from Penny. Where Penny is careful, Lulu is a true daredevil. She's got the facial expressions to prove it:

With Lulu turning 9 months old, Penny turns two and a half this month! It's a phrase she already knows how to say, and she's already anticipating age 3.

Penny talks about her birthday daily now. We're trying not to reveal that Lulu will be having one first. Sometimes we can't wait for Lulu to walk, or Penny to be able to do more "kid things".  But mostly, Mr. Jones and I are just hoping both of them would just slow down. These ages are really, really sweet.

PPS. Lulu wears her cardigan To Temper Pink

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