Saturday, December 13, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree, 2014

Was it really a year ago that we were here, when Lulu was still in my 'tummy' and Penny paddled around in a long knitted dress, picking up rocks on the trail? We are now a family of four, and we came to find a tree that had been growing for a whole year, just for us. We came to see our children look suspiciously at farm animals too, of course.

Penny brought "Pink Baby" and showed her the variety of trees we had to choose from.

Lulu surveyed the territory, and did an impression of her sister we had described from not last year, but two years ago now, looking at a tiny tree with her daddy.

When we implied that Lulu's tree was too small, Penny went to find a suitable one. Here she's telling me she which one she likes (that would be the huge one, in the back).

Instead, Mr. Jones picked our tree. We are opting for a tabletop model again this year, with Lulu doing her "gravity tests" daily. I think small trees are just as festive.

We tried a group photo before the nice man with the flatbed drove away with our new houseguest to shake and wrap her up. This is the closest we got (at least the vintage ski slope dress is making its appearance nicely).

The few family traditions we have rear their head on these occasions. As you can see from last year and the year previous, we've got a thing for putting the baby on the roof of the car with the tree, once they're all ready to haul away.

We spent the rest of the afternoon decorating. What's striking about this year is that Penny is starting to understand some ideas of Christmas. As well, it's our first Christmas in our new home, so decorating it felt really warm, fun, and especially festive.

The results have been great. The girls are dazzled by the lights when we put it on each evening. Penny stops to stare at it - stops still, which is saying something when you're two - and says in her sweetest voice, "Look at THIS, Mama." I just look at her, looking at this. I could watch her forever.

Perhaps my favorite moment came when Mr. Jones brought the cut tree inside the house. Penny was amazed. We had just cut down a tree and brought it inside the house. It must be amazing to be two. To wake up each day and think anything at all might happen. A tree with lights may one day come to live inside your home for a time they call Christmas.

It all must be delightful, if not confusing. This may be one of my very favorite pictures of Penny, ever. Her expression captures all of it.

Lulu was so excited by all of it, she started walking. 
More on that soon.
Hope your holidays are coming together nicely!

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