Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter, 2015

Things are really getting fun around here. My preschooler is really loving holidays, and all the fun activities that go along with them. I couldn't be happier. This year, I thought about doing some egg dyeing on my own, and letting Penny decorate the eggs with stickers. Then, it occurred to me that she really could help, and would really love to do so. Who cares if we got messy or the eggs cracked? I also have the cleanest 3 year-old on the planet, so messy isn't really an option. So, after bath time, on the eve of Easter, we put the dye pellets and cups out, and went for it. She absolutely loved it. The sense of pride on her face was priceless. "We colored eggs!". On Easter morning, still in our pajamas, we got out those stickers and finished the job.

Then we got dressed in our Easter Best (I made the girls some bunny rabbit hats. After the birthday party, dresses were too much) and we headed out to an egg hunt. It was the same one we did last year, in the garden behind a local restaurant where they grow vegetables for cooking. There were no more than 10 kids there, which means we were able to get some eggs! They were thrilled. Lulu also loved the chalk drawing.

The Easter Bunny was there, too. There was a bit of a role reversal, as last year Penny wasn't a fan...

...and this year Lulu had no use for him (just like Santa).

Then, we walked to the local park, played on the swings, in the grass, and on the jungle gym.

Later that evening, we put together an egg tree, from eggs my mom had left during her visit (and branches from a bush in the backyard that my mom had informed us was dead, and not coming back). Penny loved doing the egg tree so much that we took the eggs off four different times, decorating it again and again.

We posed next to the tree for posterity...

...and to recreate a family photo of my parents, my sister, Heather, and me. This photo must have been taken around 1977. My grandmother made our matching outfits! Some traditions carry on...(and by the way, is that Lulu sitting on my dad's lap?).

How much fun to make family traditions, and recreate moments from so long ago. Easter 2015 was so much fabulous, and we can't wait to celebrate so many more.

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