Monday, November 30, 2015

Green Friday

We spent the day after Thanksgiving cutting down our Christmas tree. I love this tradition. It feels so good to be outside while everyone is at the mall or shopping online. We're not the most outdoorsy of families, however, so after an hour or two, we happily head to the diner for egg nog milk shakes and grilled cheese sandwiches.

There was much assessing and measuring, from the girls, about how tall our tree should be. As tall as Lulu? As tall as Penny? No, a bit taller than Daddy! Penny finally picked out the best one..

...and we gave her the saw and told her to cut it down. Kidding! Well, sort of.  Mr. Jones and I took a turn, too.

We sort of perforated the tree. Then Mr. Jones pushed it down with grave force as the girls looked on, skeptically.

We did it, though! We were all very happy with our choice.

Ignoring the animals and newly built slides and swings they had at the tree farm, the girls begged to get in the car. Like I said, not so outdoorsy over here. 

Lunch was thoroughly enjoyed. So there we have it: our Christmas tree for 2015. This is the first year we don't have a tabletop one! The downside is, we definitely need to purchase a few more ornaments (these are good problems to have).

PS. Previous trips to get our tree include 2014, 2013, and 2012. Showing Penny these posts before we left for the farm was so much fun: "I want to see Toddler Penny and her tree", "I want to see Baby Penny and her tree", said a very excited Preschool Penny.

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