Now you can make a cozy scarf for the colder weather. Made of worsted/aran weight yarn, it knits up quickly, and all you need to know is how to knit, purl, cast on and bind off. It makes a great last-minute gift, too!
The "keyhole" element is a slit you make down the center of the scarf, so you can tuck one side into the other and secure the scarf around your neck. Download my original pattern by cliking HERE, send me a photo when you're done, and enjoy!
This is a great pattern! Just love the colors. I'm an editor for, and I took the liberty of linking to your blog from my roundup blog post of free scarf knitting patterns. You can check it out here. I also just published a collection of free scarf knitting patterns at our website if you are interested. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to knit this scarf, it would make a wonderful gift. However, it would not download on my computer. Could you please email it to me at Thank you so much.
I really like this pattern and would love to make it for several of the grandchildren for Christmas, however I cannot get it to download...if it is convenien, would you please e-mail it to me. Thank you in advance and have a great day.
Please can you email me this pattern I am looking for key hole patterns because I like them as they stay on better. I tired to down load it and it wouldn't otherwise I would not have asked you. TY!!!!
Cascade 220 is one of my favorite yarns to knit with, so this will be a joy to do and the stitch pattern is great! Thanks for making this a free pattern, it's beautiful!!
Thank you for this great pattern - am knitting it now in a red multi - and looking forward to knitting in other colours from my stash - thanks again, Bonnie
Nothing happens when I click to download the keyhole scarf pattern. I'd really appreciate it if you could email a copy to It's such a rich-looking scarf. The stitch is something I've never seen before, and the keyhole is a great idea. Thanks
I love the looks of this "key hole" scarf, but like menny others am not able to down load it. Would you consider emailing the pattern to me? Thanks, Bonny Bonny email:
No matter what I've tried I can't print the pattern, only the 2 pictures come up. I realize I have had problems in the past that are usually "user error" but nothing I do will work. Can it be e-mailed to me?
I love this pattern and downloaded it fine, but could you please email me the exact yarns you used because I can't work it out and I love email address is
This is for the person who e-mailed me re someone emailing her the DRAGON pattern(your email was deleted in error) Yes, it was e-mailed to me by Holly Klein, which I certainly appreciated but I still couldn't print it. With the original and what she sent I could print the photos but no verbiage, so I gave up until I have enough patience to hand write the instructions, etc. I tried restructuring the pages but nothing except the photos worked!~ I'm sure it's user error but I can't figure it out. If you e-mail me again I will forward what Holly sent me and maybe you'll have better luck!
I've never had so much fun! I love this pattern! I am using Loops & Threads Charisma, mulitcolor self-striping and it is turning out gorgeous! It's a little wide for a scarf in my opinion, I'll just cast on less stitches next time. Scarf or wrap, it's beautiful!
Wow I live in Minnesota cold most of 8 months out of the year and a cold neck is the worst thing so I am big on knitting scarves, simple to cmplicated. This is so pretty, I am not sure why other folks who are having a problem downloading this I had to trouble at all, you just have to look for the highlighted type that says download pretty, it is spring here now so that will give me plenty of time to knit this on rain soaked summer days and prep for the never ending winter....Thanks for sharing this is beautiful and looks so warm! Sincerely, Victory
Well my typing was horrible I forgot to check....I really can spell, but no matter to the scaef and the creator, still lovely. Sincerely Victory Lee (bad speller from Minnesota)
Oh for PETE SAKE! Victory Lee here again, I got A's in school for spelling, it is this stupid computer that cannot spell or read my mind...I can knit better than I can type and once again, thank you for sharing your pattern!
Hi Holly, I love the look of this scarf and would like to use the same colors but there are so many choices in the Cascade 220. Could you tell us which colors you used please?
I love the way this scarf looks and would love to make one but unfortunately I'm having trouble downloading the pattern... can you email it to me?? My email address is Thanks a bunch!!
I am always looking for new scarf patterns, and this one looks so neat!! Like others, however, i am unable to download it. please e-mail me the instructions, and i will post a picture when done. thanks!
I love this pattern, but I can't get it to load. The pdf comes up and it says it's damaged. Csn you please e-mail the pattern to me? Thanks!
Hi, I found your pattern and I have knitted it up I did change it a little and just blocked my colours more I hope you like
This is an awesome pattern ... I found your link through allfreeknitting ... and happy to have found this pattern ... I'm like a little kid with a new toy ... can't wait to make one & thank you for sharing
Like others I love the colors you used in the scarf and would like to know the colors and the type of yarn used in the Cascade 220 colors. Anxious to try my hand at it once I get your input. Thanks. My email is:
Love the idea of slit in the middle. Colours are awesome. will be knitting on a self streaming yarn and hope it looks good as yours. Thank you for sharing.
I would really like to make this scarf and I love the colors. Could you please email me the yarn and colors you used? It is so beautiful. Thank you. My email is.
Used your lovely pattern to make a scarf - then to make a washable wool throw blanket with stripes as a wedding gift. It makes simple things look quite beautiful.
I cant het this pattern to download, any possibility for an email of it to me? Even describing the stitches would be helpful if nothing else. Thanks, Barb
Like many others I cannot download your pattern. Could you send the pattern to me at I would be so happy if you could do that. Thank you.
I've made this, actually had it in my bag for a charity donation but my hubby thought he needed it and traded with two of his older gently used scarves I've made. I'm ready for another run on this and can't find my pattern. Would you be so kind as to forward it.
Thank you for lovely pattern. I can't wait to knit it. Thank you for sharing this with the knitting world. Sheryl
FYI - I was able to download the pattern from your blog post just now. It looks like some people are having trouble but I had no problem at all!
Thanks for the pattern, looks cozy!
Your pattern downloaded for me nicely! Thank you so much for sharing it! Linda :O)
Saw this and would like to make for gifts. I'm unable to pull it up. Would you mind e-mailing it to me.
Thanks a lot, Beverly
This is a great pattern! Just love the colors. I'm an editor for, and I took the liberty of linking to your blog from my roundup blog post of free scarf knitting patterns. You can check it out here. I also just published a collection of free scarf knitting patterns at our website if you are interested. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to knit this scarf, it would make a wonderful gift. However, it would not download on my computer. Could you please email it to me at Thank you so much.
I am unable to download the pattern, can you please email it to me at Thank you.
Is this scarf reversible, ie do the back and front sides look the same (or nearly so)?
Love the looks of this scarf, thanks for sharing. Pauline
I really like this pattern and would love to make it for several of the grandchildren for Christmas, however I cannot get it to download...if it is convenien, would you please e-mail it to me. Thank you in advance and have a great day.
Dee Bartlett
e-mail address...
Please can you email me this pattern I am looking for key hole patterns because I like them as they stay on better. I tired to down load it and it wouldn't otherwise I would not have asked you. TY!!!!
Sorry forgot to send the email,
Cascade 220 is one of my favorite yarns to knit with, so this will be a joy to do and the stitch pattern is great! Thanks for making this a free pattern, it's beautiful!!
Thank you for this great pattern - am knitting it now in a red multi - and looking forward to knitting in other colours from my stash - thanks again, Bonnie
Unfortunately the pattern is coming up as damaged, so unable to view or download :o(
I can't open it to download it. boooo
Can you email it to me??
Thank you soo much! I can't wait to be able to make this scarf!
Nothing happens when I click to download the keyhole scarf pattern. I'd really appreciate it if you could email a copy to It's such a rich-looking scarf. The stitch is something I've never seen before, and the keyhole is a great idea. Thanks
I love the looks of this "key hole" scarf, but like menny others am not able to down load it. Would you consider emailing the pattern to me? Thanks, Bonny
Bonny email:
This and exciting pattern, can not wait to try it.
Many Thanks,
No matter what I've tried I can't print the pattern, only the 2 pictures come up. I realize I have had problems in the past that are usually "user error" but nothing I do will work. Can it be e-mailed to me?
I love this pattern and downloaded it fine, but could you please email me the exact yarns you used because I can't work it out and I love email address is
Thanks :)
This is for the person who e-mailed me re someone emailing her the DRAGON pattern(your email was deleted in error) Yes, it was e-mailed to me by Holly Klein, which I certainly appreciated but I still couldn't print it. With the original and what she sent I could print the photos but no verbiage, so I gave up until I have enough patience to hand write the instructions, etc. I tried restructuring the pages but nothing except the photos worked!~ I'm sure it's user error but I can't figure it out. If you e-mail me again I will forward what Holly sent me and maybe you'll have better luck!
I've never had so much fun! I love this pattern! I am using Loops & Threads Charisma, mulitcolor self-striping and it is turning out gorgeous! It's a little wide for a scarf in my opinion, I'll just cast on less stitches next time. Scarf or wrap, it's beautiful!
Wow I live in Minnesota cold most of 8 months out of the year and a cold neck is the worst thing so I am big on knitting scarves, simple to cmplicated. This is so pretty, I am not sure why other folks who are having a problem downloading this I had to trouble at all, you just have to look for the highlighted type that says download pretty, it is spring here now so that will give me plenty of time to knit this on rain soaked summer days and prep for the never ending winter....Thanks for sharing this is beautiful and looks so warm! Sincerely, Victory
Well my typing was horrible I forgot to check....I really can spell, but no matter to the scaef and the creator, still lovely.
Sincerely Victory Lee (bad speller from Minnesota)
Oh for PETE SAKE! Victory Lee here again, I got A's in school for spelling, it is this stupid computer that cannot spell or read my mind...I can knit better than I can type and once again, thank you for sharing your pattern!
Hi Holly, I love the look of this scarf and would like to use the same colors but there are so many choices in the Cascade 220. Could you tell us which colors you used please?
I love the way this scarf looks and would love to make one but unfortunately I'm having trouble downloading the pattern... can you email it to me?? My email address is Thanks a bunch!!
This is beautiful! How nice of you to share this. Will send you a picture when I make one.
Found this through Ravelry. Thank you!
I made three of these for my nieces for Christmas!
I am always looking for new scarf patterns, and this one looks so neat!! Like others, however, i am unable to download it. please e-mail me the instructions, and i will post a picture when done. thanks!
Hi, this pattern looks great!!!!
Like others, I can't download it. Could you email it to me at ?
thanks so much,
could you tell me what colors you used for the scarf? I really like the combination. Thanks
Have no luck downloading this pattern .Would it be possible to email it to me
so much.
Have no luck downloading this pattern .Would it be possible to email it to me
so much.
What a beautiful keyhole scarf. Thanks a bunch for sharing your talent with us. Laurie
I love this pattern, but I can't get it to load. The pdf comes up and it says it's damaged. Csn you please e-mail the pattern to me? Thanks!
I found your pattern and I have knitted it up I did change it a little and just blocked my colours more I hope you like
This is an awesome pattern ... I found your link through allfreeknitting ... and happy to have found this pattern ... I'm like a little kid with a new toy ... can't wait to make one & thank you for sharing
Love this pattern...and the back looks as good as the front. I'm now working on the second one, and this one's for me. Thanks for sharing the pattern.
Like others I love the colors you used in the scarf and would like to know the colors and the type of yarn used in the Cascade 220 colors. Anxious to try my hand at it once I get your input. Thanks. My email is:
Love the idea of slit in the middle. Colours are awesome. will be knitting on a self streaming yarn and hope it looks good as yours. Thank you for sharing.
I would really like to make this scarf and I love the colors. Could you please email me the yarn and colors you used? It is so beautiful. Thank you. My email is.
I would also like to know if dragon scale keyhole pattern is revere-sible? Email am not planning on including keyhole
How would I knit this without the keyhole? Thanx!
No comment...I just wanted to add my email address...
Used your lovely pattern to make a scarf - then to make a washable wool throw blanket with stripes as a wedding gift. It makes simple things look quite beautiful.
I cant het this pattern to download, any possibility for an email of it to me? Even describing the stitches would be helpful if nothing else. Thanks, Barb
Like many others I cannot download your pattern. Could you send the pattern to me at I would be so happy if you could do that. Thank you.
I've made this, actually had it in my bag for a charity donation but my hubby thought he needed it and traded with two of his older gently used scarves I've made. I'm ready for another run on this and can't find my pattern. Would you be so kind as to forward it.
I am unable to download this pattern. Could someone email it to me
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