Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where in the world are Maggie and Mildred? Part 2

My film "Maggie and Mildred" has been accepted by some festivals that sound fun and exciting! I thought you might be able to go to one if you live nearby. Here's the recent list of where in the world "Maggie and Mildred" will appear in upcoming months. And if you'd like your own DVD of the film, please don't hesitate to ask. Upcoming appearances include:

Golden Wagon Film Festival, July 18-20, Fire Island, NY - USA
Chinh Film Festival, August 3-9, New Delhi - India
Nevada City Film Festival, August 14-17, Nevada City, CA - USA
Moondance International Film Festival, August 29-Sept. 1, Boulder, CO - USA
London International Animation Festival, Sept 2-7, London - UK
ACE Film Festival, Sept 4-7, New York City - USA
Sapporo Short Fest, Sept 10-15, Sapporo - Japan
KROK International Animated Film Festival, Sept 21-30, 5 cities - Russia

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