Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fun Pants

Penny Jones wears dresses almost every day of the week, dresses and leggings, just like her mama.  But now that she's getting a bit older and is just so active, there's times when she just needs a good cute pair of pants.  The dresses can get tricky under your feet when you're climbing the log staircase for the millionth time at 8am to slide the twisty slide all on your own and make the parents watching collectively gasp. 

So I made her Fun Pants, or that's what I call them.  They're from a pattern called Quick Change Trousers from this book, and they're great.  You use two contrasting fabrics, and they're reversible, too, so when she spills food on the them we'll whip them inside out and still be in business.  How cute is that contrasting yoke on the back? Almost as cute as this:

The business of being Penny Jones, these days, includes being busy.  Always, always busy. 

And when it's time to get in the stroller, she's busy running away. 
I like her pants so much I made 2 more pairs.  You can never have too much fun.
(She wears them with her Fairy Tale Hoodie)

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