Friday, January 3, 2014

2014: New Beginnings

This was a holiday season unlike any other. With no family around. and few friends that didn't fly elsewhere the three of us, then the four of us, just spent time.  

Penny had her Christmas performance at daycare, where they put her on the dance floor and she spotted me, ran to my lap, and watched her friends dance. We had six friends on call to entertain her, should I go in to labor at anytime. Then, slowly, almost all of them left town and our anxiety peaked. Should we induce this birth? My doctor recommended it, saying the birth would be so fast I might not make it to the hospital just 4 blocks away, should my water break elsewhere. I thought she just might want a longer winter break. So I delayed it, and let this baby choose her own birthday.

She came on her due date. We headed to the hospital after dropping Penny at school, and two hours later we had a baby. We couldn't believe how quickly it happened (pssst...doctors know what they're talking about). I stayed two nights in the hospital while Mr. Jones spent time with Penny. We took Lucille home on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

We ate frozen curry on Christmas Eve, Chinese food on Christmas Day, and played games with the girls in every inch of this apartment. All of our anxieties have been gradually relieved. Penny likes her sister already, kisses her head and mimics her diaper changes with her lovies. We are finding ways to give each of our daughters the attention they need. I know this will go on for many, many years to come.

Slowly now, friends are coming back to town, bringing over food, holding Lulu, signing her book. It's 2014, and new beginnings are certainly upon us. It's going to be an amazing year, as full as it promises to be. 

Happy New Year!


Linda Marveng said...

Congratulations! It is lovely to see Lulu and all the photos of her plus your Christmas celebrations!

John said...

Congratulations to you all. Thanks so much for the lovely pix. A belated happy Christmas and new year and a huge welcome to Lulu.
