Monday, December 16, 2013

Santa (and Some Sewing)

With a new baby coming any day, we're trying to keep this Christmas pretty casual. So instead of making Penelope a Christmas dress, I sewed her some stripy Christmas trousers from material I had around the house. They're Anna Maria Horner's Quick Change Trousers (pattern in this book). I've made them before, and they were fabulous.

I found some vintage Christmas trim in my stash, and added a holly border to the cuffs to match a onesey her Gram sent a while back.

She wore them this past weekend to meet Santa. We visited him in his 1970s wood paneled basement, instead of his Winter Wonderland. 

She shocked me with how much she liked him! Maybe it was the high fives she gave him (well not him, but you know...) at the mall playground earlier in the week (apologies for the blurry image, maybe Santa will bring me a new phone for Christmas?).

We've really been enjoying this holiday season. Penny is excited by many more activities, and not as frightened as she once was of new experiences or people. We're hoping she feels as positive about her new sibling!

PS. Penny and Santa last year.

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